Celebrate With Us

ProgramFIT is about to celebrate its 15th anniversary and it’s going to be quite a party.
Our site is getting a fresh, new look for the occasion and we're excited to unveil it.
RSVP to join us in the celebration. There’ll be party favors and free stuff you won’t want to miss!

Check out the programFIT products!

Hi/Lo Recharge

Hi/Lo Recharge is a little dance, a little boot camp, and a lot of hard work! It's comprised of choreographed combinations with various levels of complexity and impact.

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Dressed Up Drills

Dressed Up Drills delivers cardio, core, and flexibility training in a versatile format that will give you plenty of mileage in your workout library.

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FITgreetings are fun, inspirational and motivational posters, mugs, shirts and letters to support your fitness friends!

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